Pauline Trigere 1970s Bell Sleeved Silk Dress
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Stunning late 1970s/early 80s vintage lapis + white sheer silk Pauline Trigere dress. AMAZING, amazing construction. Sheer lapis + white striped silk is entirely pleated throughout the sleeves + body in order to hide the white stripes and then let out from the elbows/hips down for added flare. The white is mostly only visible while you're moving. GENIUS!
All size categories shown are estimates. Always go by the exact garment measurements for a better idea of how the piece will actually fit your body. Use the chart below to see how we get the measurements displayed for each piece:
* For the best idea of how a piece will really fit, compare our measurements to an item with a similar cut from your own closet.

* For the best idea of how a piece will really fit, compare our measurements to an item with a similar cut from your own closet.